Daiohs Foundation

Nurture human resources and improve working environment Bring benefits to society for the future.

Message from the Chairman

Daiohs Foundation was founded in October, 2015, aiming to develop the social environment where all people can work safely with enthusiasm. (It was certified as a public interest incorporated foundation on March 7, 2018.)

The global competition intensified by the globalization of economy, the declining birthrate and an aging population and the diversified employment system are some of the social changes we are facing now as companies and employees. While various issues are coming up each day due to these changes, it is essential to create working environment where people can maximize their abilities throughout the society, and our mission is to help realize such environment. The Foundation aims to realize it through scholarship programs for promising undergraduate and graduate students and grants to universities, research institutes, and researchers who engage in research that meets the purpose.

With the words of former President Shinichi Ohkubo, founder of the Daiohs Memorial Foundation, "Dream, Creating a Lively Person," we will continue to make every effort to contribute further to the creation of an infrastructure for a society filled with smiling faces. We look forward to your continued support.

Greetings from Representative Director

Riku Ohkubo

Message from the founder

"Dream, Creating a Lively Person"

In 1941, born in Asakusa, Tokyo. Graduated from Chuo University, where he was chairman of the All Japan Student Photography Federation while still a student. After working for Yomiko Advertising, he began training at distribution companies in the U.S. and Europe in 1967. In 1969 he founded Daiohs Corporation. In 1977 he commercialized Japan's first office coffee service. Later in 1989 he entered the U.S. market. In 2007 Daiohs Corporation was listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. He passed away on March 6, 2024.

The founder of Daiohs Memorial Foundation, Shinichi Ohkubo, has made a significant impact on the continuous spread of services for business establishments, including the launch of the first office coffee service business in Japan.On the other hand, in 2015, with the desire to "contributing back to society that has raised us" and the idea "we must create a society where young people can study with peace of mind and a society where all people can work safely and energetically," Shinichi Ohkubo has established the Daiohs Memorial Foundation with our own funds. Through the activities of the Foundation, we will continue to inherit the founder's desire to contribute to the creation of a social environment for the next generation and in Japan and overseas.

Founder Initial Representative Director

Shinichi Ohkubo

Activities Overview

We honor the achievements of Shinichi Ohkubo who have made major contribution to promote continuous services for offices and aim to contribute to improve social environment by engaging in the following activities.

  • (1)To offer scholarships for students studying at universities and graduate schools.
  • (2)To provide grants for research or projects at universities or research institutes globally that conduct surveys and research on social environments where all people can work safely with enthusiasm.
  • (3)To raise public awareness for the social environment where all people can work safely with enthusiasm.
  • (4)To engage in other necessary activities to achieve the objective of the preceding section.

Scholarship for Students

The scholarships are available for students studying at universities or graduate schools in Japan, who are excellent in both academic records and personality, and struggle financially due to inadequate resources.

In addition to the scholarships, we plan to guide and advise scholarship recipients on studying and living in order to improve the qualities of scholars as the Foundation. (e.g. interaction among scholars or alumnus, etc.)

Guideline for Application

Scholarship for Students

Research Grants

The grants are available for research activities at universities or research institutes globally that conduct surveys and research on social environments where all people can work safely with enthusiasm.

Scholarship Activity Report

Research Grant Report



Daiohs Foundation
Established: October 1st, 2015
Chairman: Riku Ohkubo
Address: 1-13-13, Minamisenju, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: info@daiohs-zaidan.or.jp
[Trustees] Masashi UshioKenzo Suzuki
Tadashi KasaiKatsuaki Tanji
Noboru ShideharaMakoto Sutoh
Officers [Chairman] Riku Ohkubo
[Directors] Hiroshi OhkuboYasuto Kawatsu Hideo KurodaMituo Takii
Toshio Nakata
[Auditors] Junichi Aoshima
Teppei Matsuoka
Bylaws Bylaws(pdf 209KB)

Research Grant Report

Scholarship Activity Report